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Hi, I’m Jaemin Kim, a Ph.D. student at the University of Georgia concentrating on Advertising major, who believes ‘creativity’ based on ‘goofiness’ is the golden key to scholars who live in academia represented by ‘logic’ and ‘rationality.’

His research interests focus on how cutting-edge technologies, such as blockchain, metaverse, and AI (Artificial Intelligence), impact consumers’ cognitive and affective responses toward persuasive messages in various contexts, including sports. Pursuing his academic enthusiasm, he vigorously conducted and designed the research as a member of the Advertising & Branding Insights Studio (AdBiS) and Computational Research Method Club (CRMR).

☎️ Contact Information

📮 Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, 120 Hooper St, Athens, GA 30602

📧 [email protected]

🔗 @jaemin kim (LinkedIn) / @jaemin.kim_official (Instagram)

📱+1 706 461-4202 (U.S.) / +82 10-4547-1809 (South Korea)

📚 Education

University of Georgia, Grady College

Doctor of Philosophy in Journalism & Mass Communication (Advertising) / 2021 - present

Advisor: Dr. Jooyoung Kim

Dissertation: The New Role of “AI Sports Commentators” as Contextual Advertising Agents: Focusing on Type of Commentary and Customization

Hanyang University, Department of Advertising & University

Master of Arts in ****Advertising & Public Relations

Advisor: Dr. Hyung-Seok Lee

Thesis: A Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Sports Sponsorship on Consumer Response

Hanyang University, Department of Advertising & University

Bachelor of Arts in Advertising & Public Relations - Honors: Summa Cum Laude

(Minor: Sports in Life)